Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pandemic, 2020 - Part 2

We have now been isolated for over two weeks.

No dashing here and hugs with friends, hell, no BEING with friends or loved ones!
Those of us who are most susceptible are steering clear of everyone and not venturing out of our homes!

The routine has been to watch every screen available to learn how the coronavirus is incapacitating each and every city....each and every continent!  The death tolls keep truly seems like a sci-fi futuristic movie!

Except, it is not.  This is our world today.

The human nature, however, is truly amazing!

Our youngest daughter, who contracted the virus,  is on the mend and we are so very thankful, we are delirious!
Our middle daughter had a birthday on Friday and we utilized the wonderful thing called Zoom and were able to see everyone (except our two grandsons, who could not “attend”) and had a family birthday “celebration” digitally!  While we were all “together”, Katie opened her windows in Brooklyn at 7:00  p.m. and we could see/hear everyone clapping in their support and appreciation for all the health workers who are working so amazingly through such difficulties.

Today I “attended” Mass through Facebook!!!!

I fervently hope that when this is all behind us, we do not forget!

It seems humans adapt quite well to adversity......but I hope and pray we do not ever again take for granted our wonderful “freedoms”....hugging family and friends, dashing to the store on a whim,

It looks like we will have another few weeks of isolation.....weeks I hope will now  be productive for me instead of being glued to the television news......I must admit I have been a slug....I would love to be out there helping... but my health will just not  permit  that.

In the meantime, I am going to support where I can and have great  faith and hope for our future!

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