Sunday, January 19, 2020

It's January! Let's purge!

Here it is, the month of January!  The wonderful decorations and tree of the holiday season  are put away and, all of a sudden, everything looks bare!
Every year, all the magazines and all the home decorating television shows concentrate on reorganizing, purging, getting rid of "stuff", making life simpler and, basically, "downsizing".
I, like many others, become all enthused and full of, "I am going to DO THIS!!!"
Then, the reality sets in.
(I just subscribed to the Hallmark Movies and Mystery channel so, there  is this show I really want to watch so I will start cleaning out that closet a bit later on.........)
I have been a fan of the  Marie Kondo book, method and even the Netflix program!  So,
one would think I have already streamlined all my belongings!  Right?
Wrong!  I just can't seem to talk to my clothes and discuss what "joy" they bring me.
(However, having said that.....I do properly fold my t-shirts so they sit up in the drawer.
My underwear is all "color" coded and coordinated.)
So!  I am not going to put myself through the 'Agony of Defeat' this year!
Instead, as I wash clothes I am going to put them away and check that drawer for what I may not
really need or perhaps what I have not worn for three or four years!
As I hang jeans, blouses, sweaters, whatever, in my closet, I will try the "turn around" method of
having the hanger turned around and, if you find next year that one hanger that is still facing inward,
lo and behold! you must now donate that item!
Seriously,  we all feel better when we are organized!
I will confess, when my purse is cleaned out and streamlined and my car does not have "storage" items in it, I feel a wonderful sense of freedom and "all is right with the world"!

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