Monday, January 30, 2017

My Current Addiction!

I must share my current addiction!

What is this addiction you ask?

A fabulous vinaigrette!!!!!  I have no idea where I originally found this recipe.  I would love
to give credit to someone.  Perhaps since I made a slight addition, I can now claim this as mine?

This dressing is fabulous on greens, quinoa, vegetables......I am still discovering new uses!

The Recipe

Place in food processor:

1 C. coarsely chopped Parsley, washed and dried
10-12 very large fresh Basil leaves, washed and dried
3 large garlic cloves, chopped
1/4 C. red wine vinegar
3/4 C. extra virgin olive oil
Coarse salt and dash of pepper
A small drizzle of honey

I use my small Cuisinart chopper/grinder so I just throw everything in that and pulse chop and then
pulse grind.  Using a rubber flexible spatula, I scrape down the sides and repeat.  I then store this
wonderful vinaigrette in a small jar, however, it does not last long as I am putting it on everything!

Please leave a comment below and let me know how you enjoy this and.....if you too become

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